How will we get you to where to want to be?

The Grass is always greener
where it is watered
At Chicago Counseling Cafe, we strive to provide you with an experience that allows you to learn about yourself in new ways that will facilitate the changes you want to see in your life. Oftentimes, we only know ourselves at "surface level" and are unaware of the cognitive and behavioral habits rooted deep down that can begin to work against us over time. In working with us, you will learn to identify, address and adjust these habitual ways of thinking and behaving to become a stronger, more resilient version of you!
Adulting. What does that even mean and what is it supposed to look like? Do you find yourself thinking things like “what am I even doing with my life?” “Is this how things are supposed to be?” For teens or parents of teens, the transition from childhood to young adulthood can feel very similar to this adulting process as teens are figuring out what growing up is supposed to be like.
As a parent, you may be asking yourself “Where did I go wrong?” “How could my son/daughter [fill in the blank]?” as you notice their mood and behaviors changing. You may notice yourself or your child spending more time alone, angry and/or irritable for “no reason”, engaging in risky behaviors, feeling lost or stuck, or unable to function at school/work or with peers the same as in the past.
The world today has made it more challenging to navigate and understand these times in our lives than ever before, which has led to higher rates of people struggling to manage and maintain their mental health. It's important to understand how and why things may seem so difficult in the moment, and learn to address them using techniques that target both mental and physical health as they are intricately connected. Through my training in integrative mental health, I am able to assess and incorporate nutrition and physical activity to help you learn how these factors can enhance the mental health outcomes we are working toward in our work together.
In working alongside you, we will work to identify and assess different factors that are holding you back and the impact they have on different parts of your life. I am a strong believer in taking a holistic approach to therapy and looking at both mental and physical health habits and routines that may be contributing to symptoms. By the end of each session, my hope is that you will leave with more clarity and understanding of where your difficulties stem from, and ways you can address them by implementing simple, practical techniques and adaptations that will lead to long term, sustainable change.
Navigating life is no easy task, no matter how much "experience" you have in the art of living. Figuring out your purpose, goals, and relationships can sometimes become just too overwhelming. Due to this kind of stress you can find yourself debating whether you are in the right space, with the right people and wondering if you are happy with your life? If the answer is no, then maybe you've reached the point in your life in which you are ready to make some changes. Now, it is true, change can be difficult and uncomfortable but, without change there can be no growth. Did American labor leaders and civil rights activists Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta just accept life as it was, following rules that did not suit them? No, they did not. Did Ellen Ochoa, the first Latina to go to space, allow the rules of gender and ethnicity stop her journey of discovery? No, she did not.
Needless to say you do not have to be the next big name in Latin-American History to decide that societal rules and norms are not working for you. Making changes in your life does not necessarily mean something major, it can just be setting up boundaries with those around you or learning coping skills to help you navigate how you deal with stress/stressors. It can also be changing the way you view yourself, your place in the world, and maybe even discovering/creating new beliefs about your inner self.
I am sure you may have heard all sorts of jargon about different modalities for therapy, but I like to keep it nice and simple. My preferred therapy modality is Person-Centered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. "What does this mean?" you may ask. It means that my priority is meeting you where you are at, first and foremost. I will do my best at providing a safe space for you to process and explore whatever emotions and thoughts you are having as a result of your healing process. It also means that I value the connection between the body and the mind. Have you ever had a really bad migraine that completely affected your mood? What about feeling anxious and stressed and later having heart palpitations or stomach discomfort? Your emotional health directly influences your physical health, and vice versa.
As a therapist I provide compassion and empathy towards my clients to create an environment that enables growth. Through my work with survivors of domestic violence, I have been able to help clients work on re-establishing their identity, understanding or challenging their roles within their chosen families, healing from trauma, and learning how to navigate challenging life transitions.